This course focuses on one-handed weapons (mainly swords) and shields. A student will learn how shields were used throughout history for both defense and offense.
Classes are held Mondays and Thursdays at 18:30. Each class is 1 1/2 hours long.
Cost - 200:- per class or 2000:- for the season (4 months).
This course focuses on the german fighting style of the longsword. This is one of the club's more popular courses and offers an advanced course with more focus on full-contact sparring.
Classes are held Tuesdays and Fridays at 17:30. Advanced classes are held at 18:00 on the same days. Each class is 1 1/2 hours long.
Cost - 150:- per class or 2000:- for the season (4 months).
This course focuses on the one-handed rapier. It is often an easier course for HEMA beginners.
Classes are held Wednesdays at 18:30. Each class is 1 1/2 hours long.
Cost - 150:- per class or 1000:- for the season (4 months).
This course focuses on polearm combat (mainly spears). Spears during the medevil age were one of the most commonly used weapons on the battlefeild as it was a cheap and effective weapon.
Classes are held Thursdays at 18:30. Each class is 1 1/2 hours long.
Cost - 150:- per class or 1000:- for the season (4 months).
For those under 18 we offer a course that briefly explores all the different types of HEMA weapons.
This course reinforces the importance of sportsmanship in HEMA. We do not tolerate any bullying, rough-housing or highly-aggressive sparring.
Classes split into two age groups: 12-14 and 15-17. These classes are held Saturdays at 10:00am. Each class is 1 1/2 hours long.
Cost - 75:- per class or 1000:- for the season (4 months).